| |
- builtins.Exception(builtins.BaseException)
- SteganoError
- builtins.object
- Stegano
class Stegano(builtins.object) |
Stegano(filename: str, message: ~StringOrBytes = None, color: str = 'red', output_file: str = None)
This class hide text or bytes in image. |
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, filename: str, message: ~StringOrBytes = None, color: str = 'red', output_file: str = None)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- build_and_save_new_image(self) -> None
- This function build the new image with hidden text
and write it.
- get_filter(self) -> list
- Return a list of pixels (red, green or blue) or
raise a SteganoError.
- get_message(self) -> bytes
- This function get message from image.
- set_image(self) -> None
- This function open the picture, get size,
get colors and filter.
- stegano(self) -> list
- This function build filter with hidden text.
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class SteganoError(builtins.Exception) |
This class raise SteganoError. |
- Method resolution order:
- SteganoError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
- builtins.object
Data descriptors defined here:
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from builtins.Exception:
- __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
- Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Static methods inherited from builtins.Exception:
- __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
- Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
Methods inherited from builtins.BaseException:
- __delattr__(self, name, /)
- Implement delattr(self, name).
- __getattribute__(self, name, /)
- Return getattr(self, name).
- __reduce__(...)
- Helper for pickle.
- __repr__(self, /)
- Return repr(self).
- __setattr__(self, name, value, /)
- Implement setattr(self, name, value).
- __setstate__(...)
- __str__(self, /)
- Return str(self).
- with_traceback(...)
- Exception.with_traceback(tb) --
set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
Data descriptors inherited from builtins.BaseException:
- __cause__
- exception cause
- __context__
- exception context
- __dict__
- __suppress_context__
- __traceback__
- args
| |